Ein rundes Jubiläum, ein exklusives Ambiente und ein großer Beitrag für den guten Zweck – das alles vereinte sich am 18. November 2024 bei unserer Schmuckstars-Timelounge Charity Gala im Park Hyatt. Anlässlich unseres 20-jährigen Bestehens durften wir mit Gästen, Freunden und Partnern nicht nur feiern, sondern auch eine beeindruckende Spendensumme für Licht ins Dunkel und Pink Ribbon erzielen.
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20 years Timelounge - celebrate and do good
A milestone anniversary, an exclusive ambience and a major contribution to a good cause - all this came together on 18 November 2024 at our Schmuckstars Timelounge Charity Gala at the Park Hyatt. To mark our 20th anniversary, we not only celebrated with guests, friends and partners, but also raised an impressive amount for Licht ins Dunkel and Pink Ribbon.
CHARITY ACTION Issue #3 in favour of Licht ins Dunkel and PINK RIBBON! TIMELOUNGE is once again demonstrating great social compassion this year and is donating a large number of high-quality watches as part of the Schmuckstars-Timelounge Charity, which is being co-organised for the third time. As in the last two years, the entire proceeds from the auction will be donated to LICHT INS DUNKEL and PINK RIBBON!
The return of the 80s
Everything comes back. At some point. Even my grandmother knew that and the more mature you become, the more you realise: damn, it really is like that. When Rolex presented the GMT-Master II as a yellow gold and bicolour version on a Jubilé bracelet last year, I immediately felt something like my own personal Werthers Echte moment. Only not with gold-wrapped caramel sweets, but with the watches I knew from my childhood. And so I still remember, as if it were yesterday, the picture of TV legend Horst Tappert smiling at me from the cover of a TV magazine with a gold GMT on a Jubilee bracelet.
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How deep is deep?
An eternal irritation
A special kind of sea dweller
green even greener
How deep is deep?
When I started wearing watches at a young age, everything was quite simple for me. If the words “Water Resistant” were written on the back cover, you had to be careful. On the other hand, if it said “30M”, everything was fine. Off to the beach with it and have fun. I wore those watches in the sea for years without a care in the world - for swimming, showering and bathing anyway.
An eternal irritation
Who hasn't experienced this? Travelling by plane from Japan to the USA, adjusting your world clock to the local conditions, but then the shock: the date is wrong! The reason: that darned International Date Line. A circumstance that already caused problems for Jules Verne's hero Phileas Fogg on his journey around the world in 80 days.
A special kind of sea dweller
Every Rolex is special and has its own special story. That's clear. At the end of the day, it's something special that every watch manufacturer's advertising tries to entice us with. But: the Rolex Deepsea D-Blue is - truly - something special.
green even greener
You almost get the impression that Rolex did everything wrong when they robbed the Rolex Submariner LV of its green dial. Or were they putting an end to a trend in Geneva that all the well-known watch manufacturers were only gradually jumping on, a good decade after the launch of the "Hulk"?